TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Each piece adds to a total system.....
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Subject Each piece adds to a total system.....
Posted by Greg D. (Specialty-Z) on January 22, 2011 at 2:15 PM
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In Reply To Assuming all variables to be the same, posted by ZiNnYc on January 22, 2011 at 01:09 PM
Message Of course the part that covers the longest distance is going to offer the larger gain if doing just part of a system. Of course if you do not open up a area getting to something you’re making larger at the end it will have a minimal effect if any.
I have zero interest in spending my time quantifying the actual effect of each part individually.
I understand the system well and know it all needs to work together.
I am showing the results of testing the upgraded system because this is how I approach upgrading and IMO that is the correct way to go about it.
If you feel differently and have the ability to properly test it , you’re more than welcome to share your findings from your approach.
We are always backlogged in our shop for work customers want us to perform and if I had more time I would be testing new things rather then test what the power cap might be in leaving basically a restrictor plate in the system or testing a larger throttle body on a system that can not breathe to the throttle body because the pipes are too small.
You seem fairly intelligent, but you’re being extremely short sighted if your thinking it is wise to spend the larger amount of money on the rest of the system to leave a restriction in the last part entering the engine. This small piece is completing the system and allowing the system to breathe.
If you can not understand what a restrictor plate does I can not help you as this is basic.
A restrictor is a small piece that does not allow more than a certain amount of flow.
They use restrictor plates in racing to limit power, they use them in kids motorcycles until they can handle more power, ect….
Maybe you understand electronics better? I resister in electronics limits current flow….same thing.
How about a carburetor jet…..I small piece with a tiny change by a little difference in size changes how much fuel can flow.
Not quite sure how to explain this you as it is really, really basic…..
If you take anything of size and put something smaller at the end of it, you will restrict the flow!

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